the benefits of making your own food
Making your own food, including basics, is one of the most incredible steps you can take to reduce the health & environmental impacts of your food.
- You choose what goes into your food. This gives you the power to reduce salt, sugar, preservatives and allergens.
- Eating less packaged and processed food gives a fantastic opportunity to eat more whole foods, benefiting you and the environment.
- The opportunity to reduce plastic and other types of packaging
- Reconnect with food and food systems.
- It's tasty.
- Meal prep is fun and handy for busy lives.
- Cost effective.
- Opportunity to pick up new (old) skills.
- Less Dependence on Supermarkets.
We're launching a new campaign.
For better relationships with what we eat, enjoy the making and eating of local, organic delicious food.
These are the very simple steps, like making your own bread that vote for a slower, less processed system and for simple good food.