Now starts probably my favourite season of the whole year, Autumn.
In The UK we're welcoming in longer nights, a hint of chill and Autumnal veggies. I totally embrace this time of year, I absolutely love the big socks, warm drinks, seasonal root vegetables and having longer inside on crafts and baking. I think this year I am more welcoming of this time, as a season of rest and changing gear. For the last few months, I have been contently moving through a busy period, long days filled with work and life's goings on have meant my time has filled well and truly filled. The past few months have absolutely flown by, hardly sitting still, but I've actually really enjoyed constantly moving and it's given me an accidental but much needed change of pace and focus.
Social media has also delightfully been furthest from my mind. My time has been slower, filled with real life chats, camping, swimming, cups of tea, more books, more time with loved ones, a tidier house. I've also had some family deaths, the different personal season meant I could address those properly.
We've almost finished the main part of our van conversion and we are absolutely adoring our mini van life. There has been many trips already, with mornings of quietly brewing hot water, reading books and planning where to forage. Having the van has helped our evenings be filled with camping or craft (sometimes both at once). I'll update our blog with some photos soon.
I've also been busy with the Lingfield Larder, with bat work that I've absolutely loved and with my masters. It's been an intense learning period paired with opportunities to link ideas, theories and learnings over the past few years. I hope to share more of this soon.
For now, I'm currently embracing a rainy day in Edinburgh, to drink tea, eat a croissant and read last year's "the simple things". Our first no plans day in about 6 months, and I am so incredibly appreciative of both the business and the quiet. I hope you're able to take time to enjoy and celebrate the turning of the season.
