Micheal Palin once said “Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.” Well, like many other who have an undying wanderlust, to be where they are not, I am slowly having to learn how to deal with not being on untrodden paths for a while and to remediate my travel bug. The first thing that has helped find my own hacks was to identify what it was exactly that I missed the most from travelling (and yes, I feel like an addict admitting I have a problem here…) The simplest thing that I could boil it down to, was the lack of new experiences in all things, new tastes, new sights etc. Therefore here is my little hacks list… 1 Cook up an exotic feast, or visit a restaurant that serves food you’ve never tried. Having new culinary experiences is extremely exciting, and one of the best parts of travelling for me. Therefore, trying new food whilst at home is a must to avoid a longing for distance places. Vietnamese food is my absolute favourite, but a good Beef Redang or Roti satiates a pang. 2 Explore your hometown. Brighton and London are easy day trips for me and so I have started touristing at home. Explore new bars, restaurants, shops. Look out for the small things you hadn't seen before. Visit parks, National Trust or simply take a wander down a River in the sun. 3 Don’t stop doing the small things you do when travelling. In Malaysia I loved having a beer whilst watching the sunset, or getting up early to watch sunrise. It’s so easy to forget the small things. Get some friends together, a crate of beer and watch sunset after work. 4 Don’t loose spontaneity through the roads you know, or the routine of working. Grab your coat and drive to the beach. 5 Embrace your home country. Take small trips away, road trips and weekends camping, cheap cheerful mini travels that will feel like travelling (just without the warmth!) A change of scenery is bound to liven up the routine of what you’ve always known. 6 Pinterest. Pin pictures of places you love. Very simple, but for me very effective. 7 Last but not least, plan the next trip. Sometimes the only thing that will banish the bug is plan your next adventure!
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